Suggestion Edits for 88 Marketplace Information

If you come across any discrepancies or outdated information related to a brand or product, 88 Marketplace welcomes your valuable suggestions to help improve the quality of the content. To suggest an edit for the information displayed on 88 Marketplace, please follow the steps below:

    Is this your business? *

    Business Name

    Address 1

    Address 2



    ZIP Code




    If you have any other suggestions changes regarding opening or closing hours, please let us know.

    Add more information (Image/Video)

    If you feel that the images of business are not suitable, please feel free to send additional photos or videos. Upload here.

    Please provide additional information which you think are not suitable for the website. Please send it in detail.

    The information you also provide will be carefully considered for all corrections suggestions received from the client. Information will be verified and, if necessary, cross-referenced with official sources. Approved edits will be made immediately to ensure customers have access to the most authentic and reliable information.

    88 Marketplace extends its heartfelt gratitude to each one of its customers for taking the time to provide valuable insights. Your contributions help enhance the quality of the brand information and make 88 Marketplace a better platform for everyone.